78: Taking Action And Avoiding Burnout Whether You Are Starting A Business, You Are Self-Employed
78: Taking Action And Avoiding Burnout Whether You Are Starting A Business, You Are Self-Employed, A Solopreneur, Entrepreneur, Mompreneur, Business Owner, Side Hustler, Freelancer, Bookkeeper, Virtual Assistant, Or VA
You can have the most in-depth business plan and create the best strategy for your business, but if you don’t take action, you’ll never reach the dreams you have for your business. You want to make sure you are taking the right actions in your business and staying consistent with your actions so that you create the momentum you need to propel your business forward. Many business owners feel overwhelmed or intimidated when they look at everything they need to do to start or grow their business, but the first step to overcoming overwhelm is to start taking action. In today’s podcast episode, I will help you see the difference between a business owner who spends their time thinking about doing great things with their business and a business owner who actually takes action and follows through with their plan. To see significant results in your business, you need to be consistent with your action plan. Baby steps will produce much greater results than waiting for the perfect time to take a bigger leap. Anyone can be successful if they are willing to do the work, so whether you are a self-employed individual, a solopreneur, entrepreneur, mompreneur, freelancer, small business owner, a remote, virtual, online, or in-house bookkeeper, or a virtual assistant or VA, I want you to decide you are going to be an action taker in your business right now. This episode is going to help you go from planning to action-taking. Stop avoiding the action steps you know you need to do to be successful. These tips are essential whether you are using a computerized software system like QuickBooks, Xero, Wave, or FreshBooks for your business finances; or doing your bookkeeping manually with an Excel spreadsheet or even a Google Document…
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Show Notes:
You can have the most in-depth business plan and create the best strategy for your business, but if you don’t take action, you’ll never reach the dreams you have for your business. You want to make sure you are taking the right actions in your business and staying consistent with your actions so that you create the momentum you need to propel your business forward. Many business owners feel overwhelmed or intimidated when they look at everything they need to do to start or grow their business, but the first step to overcoming overwhelm is to start taking action. In today’s podcast episode, I will help you see the difference between a business owner who spends their time thinking about doing great things with their business and a business owner who actually takes action and follows through with their plan. To see significant results in your business, you need to be consistent with your action plan. Baby steps will produce much greater results than waiting for the perfect time to take a bigger leap. Anyone can be successful if they are willing to do the work, so whether you are a self-employed individual, a solopreneur, entrepreneur, mompreneur, freelancer, small business owner, a remote, virtual, online, or in-house bookkeeper, or a virtual assistant or VA, I want you to decide you are going to be an action taker in your business right now. This episode is going to help you go from planning to action-taking. Stop avoiding the action steps you know you need to do to be successful. These tips are essential whether you are using a computerized software system like QuickBooks, Xero, Wave, or FreshBooks for your business finances; or doing your bookkeeping manually with an Excel spreadsheet or even a Google Document…
Welcome Back…Do you have a vision for your business as a whole or a specific part of your business, but you just don’t know what you need to do next to move towards achieving your dreams? Maybe you know the steps you need to take next, but you are afraid to move forward, or you are waiting for the perfect time. You might be feeling overwhelmed or intimidated about everything you have on your task list, and it’s causing you not to take any action. These are all pretty common issues business owners deal with, and today, I’m going to help you resolve these issues so that you can move your business forward. All the planning, dreams, and goals are useless if you never take action.
Let’s start at the beginning. In your business, you’ve probably already created a plan, you can see the possibilities, you have a strategy, and you know the goals. These plans may be general plans overarching your business, such as making 100k within the first two years in business. You may have broken down your plans into specific areas of your business, such as your finances or bookkeeping. Once you have your plan and your goals, you want to make sure that you have a deadline for when you want to reach your goals. Your goal might be to keep up with your bookkeeping so that at the end of this year, you have everything you need to have your tax return prepared without having to waste precious weekends catching up on an entire year’s worth of information. Your deadline, in this case, could be to have each month’s financial information recorded and reconciled by the 15th of the following month, or maybe you want to do your bookkeeping on a quarterly basis. Regardless of what your plan and goals are, make sure you put a deadline on them so that you know when you have achieved your goal.
Once you have your strategy in place, you can start breaking it down into smaller tasks so that you can stay motivated when you are pushing through & accomplishing your tasks which will help keep you motivated. This is where many business owners will stop taking action. There are many reasons to hold you back from taking action. Many will let fear hold them back, others may not know exactly where to start, and some will feel the need to do more research until they have all the information. Another big one is perfectionism. Think for a moment. What do you think holds you back from taking action on plans in your business? I want you to be the kind of business owner who takes action right now. Stop avoiding the action steps you know you need to do to be successful.
Like anything in life, you need to take baby steps to achieve big goals. Make sure that you start by taking even the smallest steps. Not only will you begin to see progress, but by taking action, you will begin reducing the overwhelmed and intimidating feelings you may have about everything you need to do. Overwhelm is a feeling you have when you don’t know what you should be doing next or how you should proceed. As you begin your journey with even that very first action step, you will feel your fears and overwhelm dwindle. You want to start creating momentum by working on your strategic plan every day. Once you start seeing the results you are achieving, over time, you will continue to build the momentum you need to keep pushing through your next steps. In the example I mentioned earlier about reaching 100k in sales within the first two years of business, you obviously can’t wait until the end of the second year and just hope that you will have reached your first 100k. You need to start now by taking action on your business strategy so that you can efficiently work your business up to your first 100K.
Make sure you review your plans and your action steps to ensure that you are still on the right path. I am particularly intentional with my business and the clients I work with to make sure there is a plan as well as a follow-through strategy to meet goals and deadlines. We start with finding the possibilities, creating the strategy, and following through on the action steps to get there. As you are working through your action steps, don’t let yourself take action on tasks that are not in alignment with your goals. You may find yourself getting sidetracked or going down a rabbit hole when you should really be just sticking to your plans. This is where it is essential to have someone working with you to get you back on track quickly. It can be hard as a business owner to see when you are focusing on the wrong tasks, and when this happens, you may start feeling frustrated from not seeing the results you originally thought were possible. When you are doing too many of the wrong tasks and trying to fit in a few of the right tasks, you may feel burnt out or upset about the outcome. Don’t give up. You just need to realign yourself and your strategy so that you can get back on track. There are many times that business owners are so close to achieving success, but they give up right before they would have achieved their success. Don’t let this happen to you. Once you start to take action, follow your strategy, as this is what is going to bring you success.
Taking action may not seem like it will be a direct correlation to Mastering Your Small Business Finances, but everything you do, or don’t do, impacts your bottom line. For instance, if you follow your strategy and you are able to reach 100k in your first two years, this increase in revenues is impacting your bottom line. When you decide to stay on top of your bookkeeping, you will be able to make better business decisions, and again, this will impact your bottom line. Take action in your business to ensure a positive outcome in your business finances and your bottom line.
Lastly, I want you to prepare yourself and your business for potential setbacks you might encounter that would prevent you from taking action. Be prepared and ready to handle anything that comes your way. You may need to reassess your plan and strategy as well as the action steps you need to take, but these setbacks should not hold you back from reaching your goals.
I want you to know that anyone can be successful if they are willing to do the work. The difference between people who think about success and those who actually achieve success are those who take action. Not many people take action on their dreams, but knowing what you need to do to take action and not finding an excuse to stop you will help push you in the right direction. I want you to stop thinking and start doing it today. You have to take action to get things done. You can start taking action with what you have today; there is no need to wait. Whether you need to take action in your personal life to help you be a better business owner or you want to work on your business strategies with your business finances, technology, operations, the product or services you are selling, or your marketing or lead generation, I’m here to help. As a Certified Public Accountant, Business Strategist, and Business Coach, I help business owners like you reach your next level of success and grow your business. I work with business owners who need help seeing the potential in their business, deciding which tasks they need to do next, and making sure they are taking action to achieve the possibilities in their business. They have a clear path to accomplish their goals, their achievement rate is much higher, and I hold them accountable. I’m inviting you to schedule a free consultation session where we can go over any questions you have regarding your business strategies and action plan. You can go to www.FinancialAdventure.com/Contact-Us and schedule a time that works well for you. During your consultation session, we’ll also dig deep into where you currently are in your business and where you’d like to see yourself and your business in the future. We’ll also go over my MASTER Your Business Foundation Diagnostic Assessment so that you can fully understand your strengths in the foundation your business is built on. I am looking forward to talking with you soon. I’ll post links to these and other valuable resources for business owners and bookkeepers where you are listening to this podcast and in the show notes.
And, you know I’m going to ask…what’s at least one thing you will take away from this episode that will help your business succeed and grow your bottom line? If you need some accountability, join our PRIVATE Facebook community and post your action item, we’d love to support you.