54: Invest In Yourself To Be A Better Business Owner Whether You Are Starting A Business, You Are S
54: Invest In Yourself To Be A Better Business Owner Whether You Are Starting A Business, You Are Self-Employed, A Solopreneur, Entrepreneur, Small Business Owner, Remote Virtual Online Bookkeeper, Virtual Assistant Or VA
Investing in yourself is important, and you as a business owner or potential business owner need to understand how valuable you are personally to your business. I know your time is limited and cherished. You may be thinking that if you are not working in your business and generating money that you aren’t being successful. But I want you to take a step back and see just how important you, yes you, are to your business. Imagine for a minute that you were taken completely out of your business. How would your business continue? Would it run smoothly without you, or would it completely stop? When you take note of the impact you are making on your business, you may think twice about how you should be investing in yourself. When investing in yourself, each and every one of these investments will ultimately pass through to your business. This is the exact reason why it is so crucial for you to continue to invest in yourself to help your business flourish. I believe it was Tony Robbins who said, “If you are not growing, you are dying.” Let that sink in for a bit. So, if you personally are not growing, how would you be able to lead your business to grow? In today’s episode, I am talking about the top ways you can invest in yourself. I’m not saying you need to spend lots of money to do this, I’ll be talking about lots of ways you can do this for free or with little monetary investment. The goal here is to realize you need to do this and start on a path to continuously invest in yourself and continue to grow as a business owner. Listen in so that you have a strategic plan to invest in yourself, whether you are still working your 9 to 5, you want to start your own business, you’ve already started your business, you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, bookkeeper or virtual assistant and you want to start seeing positive returns on yourself and your business…
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Show Notes:
Investing in yourself is important, and you as a business owner or potential business owner need to understand how valuable you are personally to your business. I know your time is limited and cherished. You may be thinking that if you are not working in your business and generating money that you aren’t being successful. But I want you to take a step back and see just how important you, yes you, are to your business. Imagine for a minute that you were taken completely out of your business. How would your business continue? Would it run smoothly without you, or would it completely stop? When you take note of the impact you are making on your business, you may think twice about how you should be investing in yourself. When investing in yourself, each and every one of these investments will ultimately pass through to your business. This is the exact reason why it is so crucial for you to continue to invest in yourself to help your business flourish. I believe it was Tony Robbins who said, “If you are not growing, you are dying.” Let that sink in for a bit. So, if you personally are not growing, how would you be able to lead your business to grow? In today’s episode, I am talking about the top ways you can invest in yourself. I’m not saying you need to spend lots of money to do this, I’ll be talking about lots of ways you can do this for free or with little monetary investment. The goal here is to realize you need to do this and start on a path to continuously invest in yourself and continue to grow as a business owner. Listen in so that you have a strategic plan to invest in yourself, whether you are still working your 9 to 5, you want to start your own business, you’ve already started your business, you are an entrepreneur, solopreneur, bookkeeper or virtual assistant and you want to start seeing positive returns on yourself and your business…
Welcome Back…The phrase invest in yourself can take on many different definitions. We all know how important it is to physically take care of yourself. This alone is a huge investment you can make in yourself. We’ll leave this kind of investment for another episode. Today, I want to talk to you about what you can do to invest in yourself as an entrepreneur. Knowing what your strengths and weaknesses are will ultimately help you decide where you should be investing more time on yourself so that you can be the best business owner possible.
First, let’s talk about your knowledge base. Being a business owner requires you to wear a lot of hats and be knowledgeable about a diverse set of skills that you use on a daily basis. You are more than likely pretty knowledgeable about the service or product that your business offers but expanding your knowledge base will give your business a well-rounded enhancement. I want you to take some time and think through all the tasks you do on a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly basis. Arrange them in order by how skilled you feel you are on each task, and this will quickly show you where you have your strengths and weaknesses within your business. Whether you plan to continue to perform these tasks, or outsource them at some point in the future, it is important to have a good grasp on the how and why you are doing these tasks. This is the perfect list for you to start working on to increase your knowledge.
How do you increase your knowledge in these areas? Oh, there are so many ways you can grow and learn, and I want to thank you for taking the time to listen to this podcast right here and right now. By listening to this podcast, you are already utilizing one of the many resources out there to help you increase your knowledge base. One great thing about podcasts, is that you always have the option to let the podcasters know which topics you want to hear more about on their podcast. I know this is true for me and my podcast. I’m always open to hearing from you about which topics are relevant and useful information for you and what you want to hear more about. I love getting emails from my listeners about what they would like to listen to next.
Books are another fabulous way to dig deep into a specific topic you are looking for. If you love listening to podcasts, you could also check out Audible or other resources to listen to the books you are interested in, or if you’d prefer to read an actual book, there is nothing wrong with that. I personally like the option to have an actual book in my hands so that I can take notes and highlight areas I want to come back to. One common theme when you are talking to successful business owners is that they are always talking about a book that changed their lives. A book that ultimately helped them propel their business forward. It doesn’t matter how you consume these books, just make sure that you are consistently reaching for another book when you have finished your last book.
Next, you can find a seminar or workshop that is touching on the topics that you are trying to hone into. Most of these events are free and can contain a lot of valuable information for you to start implementing in your personal and business life. Many will get you started on the right path towards where you can find additional information to fulfill your educational needs.
There are also courses available for almost any topic you could think of right now which will help you jump right into actionable steps for you to follow to achieve your goals quickly. Take for example, if you are struggling with time management. There are many courses available which will help you find the best time management technique for you specifically and will help you apply it so that you are able to master this skill.
Lastly, finding a coach or mentor who can help you with where you are struggling in your business will also be beneficial for you if you want to save time and money rather than trying to figure things out on your own. Looking for all the answers on your own can be a costly mistake if it consumes your valuable time or causes you to stop researching or put it on the back burner. Coaches and mentors have already been through what you are currently struggling with, and their goal is to walk you through these steps efficiently so that you can implement them in your life. Having your own business can be lonely at times and it is nice to have someone who you can talk to regarding your business without feeling like you are burdening them or worried about judgement like you may feel when you are talking to family or friends. Coaches speed up the process of success and are very common. Look around and ask yourself who you see as a successful business owner…more than likely they have a coach as well.
All of this is great information, but when do you find the time to implement any of this? Well, to be honest, you have to make learning and growing part of your priorities. See if you can carve out an hour a day to devote to whichever learning option you choose. If you can’t find a time when you are solely working on your knowledge base, would you be able to combine your learning with something else? Maybe you could continue to listen to podcasts while you are exercising. Could you get that next book listened to while you are driving? Can you block off an afternoon to watch a webinar? If none of these options seem to work for you, then you may want to make sure you connect with a coach or mentor. You may be more inclined to fit these coaching sessions into your calendar, and your coach or mentor will keep you accountable for your next steps. Accountability is key to making sure you follow through with your plans, and if you feel like you fall short in this area, make sure you have a coach or mentor who will be there for you. They are also helpful for when you feel discouraged or need help finding the direction or path you should be taking.
The main takeaway from this episode is to never stop learning. Like Tony Robbins said, If you are not growing, you are dying. Make sure you continue to grow and improve yourself every day. By continuously increasing your knowledge base, you will be enriching yourself which in turn will only cause your business to thrive as well. I am so grateful that you are listening to my podcast. I always try to pack as much relevant and reliable information as possible in each episode so that you as a busy entrepreneur, can take immediate action in your business. I’d like to mention a few solutions which I have developed for you which help business owners like you to invest in yourself. First, if you ever need help with your business finances or bookkeeping, you can contact me personally by going to https://www.financialadventure.com/contact-us - I respond to all my messages and I would love to help you with any questions you have. I’ve created a new membership for service-based business owners. The Mastering Your Small Business Finances Membership is available for you to join if you need some additional help with doing your own bookkeeping, and if you are a bookkeeper, or would like to start a bookkeeping business, you can check out my Elevate Your Bookkeeping Business Program where I offer a group coaching solution for you to start, grow or scale your own profitable bookkeeping business without feeling alone, overwhelmed or confused about your next steps. You can follow this program to be a full-time bookkeeper or even if you are looking for a part-time business or side-hustle. This program is perfect if you want the freedom and flexibility to work from home…or anywhere actually, while earning a reliable income, just like I have done with my business for over 15 years. You can get started with my FREE Bookkeeping Business Starter Guide and Success Path by going to https://www.financialadventure.com/starterguide. If you are looking for some one-on-one coaching, I have a limited time offer that I’ll be posting soon, so be sure to sign up at https://www.financialadventure.com/elevate-waitlist and I’ll send you the details as soon as this opportunity is available. I’ll post links for these programs and other resources so that you can easily find them where you are listening to this podcast and in the show notes.
And, you know I’m going to ask…what’s at least one thing you will take away from this episode that will help your business succeed and grow your bottom line? If you need some accountability, join our PRIVATE Facebook community and post your action item, we’d love to support you.